About me

Peter Joffe Sport Science SupportPeter Joffe

MSc in Sport Rehabilitation (St Mary’s University, Twickenham) MSc in Sport Science (University of Exeter), BSc in Football Coaching (Saint Petersburg State University of Physical Culture and Sport), Kick-boxing coach 1-st category, Level 3 Personal Trainer, Professional member of National Strength and Conditioning Association.




I started practising sport at the age of 7, when I enrolled in a football academy in Russia. After ten years of a successful junior career, I made a choice in favour of education, rather than becoming a professional footballer, and received my four year Degree in Football Coaching from the famous University of Physical Culture and Sport in Saint Petersburg.

Since then, I have been working as a coach as well as a strength and conditioning specialist in different sports: football, boxing, kick-boxing, tennis and even sky-diving. Among my students are Russia, Europe and World champions.

My training “geography” includes Russia, England and Spain. As a Sport Scientist, I am interested mainly in Sports Physiology and the fields of Sports Psychology connected with the Visual Motor Reaction, Performance under Stress, Decision Making, and Learning processes. Subjects necessary for Personal Training and Coaching, such as Nutrition, Injury Prevention, and Performance Analysis share my time and attention as well.