“I am tomorrow, or some future day,what I establish today.
I am today what I established yesterday or some previous day.”
―James Joyce

“I hated every minute of training, but I said, Don’t quit.
Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.”
―Muhammad Ali

“Do the difficult things while they are easy
and do the great things while they are small.
A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”
―Lao Tzu

“We cannot solve our problems
with the same thinking we used when we created them”
―Albert Einstein

Sports Science Support

Today Science defines our way of life. Discoveries and technological innovations are constantly changing and deepening our understanding of Nature, helping us to make advances that previously had been deemed impossible.

Branches of Science connected with sports such as Sport Physiology, Psychology, Biomechanics, Nutrition, and Performance Analysis, collectively referred to as Sports Science, are already integral components of High Performance Sports.

These fields are currently becoming even more in demand by the general population of sport and fitness enthusiasts. My goal is to provide scientific support to people who, although actively involved in sports, may not have the time or expertise to fully understand the complex issues that arise during training process. Such help will be provided through the discussion, analysis, training, consulting and sharing of the experience.

Of note, I plan to to consider training and performance problems from the coaching perspective, so the practical application and improvement of the results will be considered of paramount importance.

Sport Science Support

In my opinion, the trainer’s experience  and intuition remain of great importance. These cannot be substituted by theoretical knowledge. 

However,  contemporary coaches cannot ignore science, either. While it may be difficult for these professionals to follow scientific trends as closely as a professional sport scientists, a trainers should at the very least have a basic, working understanding of these scientific issues.

This will help them to train athletes in the most efficient and safest manner.

About me

child in schoolArticles.

Problems related to Sport Psychology example, Competitive Sport example and Fitness example will be discussed in articles. I hope that you will find a topic of particular interest and use to you within this section. You are welcome to share your own comments and opinions. I invite you to be my co-authors and would appreciate any of your own articles that you’d like to share with me.

You can get the article you are interested in PDF format.



Personal training.b0ccdb69-3150-44fc-86c1-646a89fca929

Whatever your aim is – whether it’s to run your first marathon or to simply shed a few excess kilos, professional support and guidance won’t be out of place. Additionally, your personal trainer/scientist will be your own training partner, working as someone to help you remain motivated and overcome any habit-formed laziness.

Find out more


Personal training for kids.

“Particular remarkable, is Peter achievements in helping sports people to realise their goals from very youth to the international level successes”  


IMG_2889-5Do you think that personal training is only for adults? Do you believe that taking a personal approach in Strength and Conditioning is only for high-class sportsmen? If so, you are mistaken. Whether your child trains to be the World Champion, or just to win school competitions, professional training, which takes into account his or her individuality, will be invaluable. In my own practical 30-year experience of bringing athletes from kid’s beginners group to the international level, I have seen first-hand the powerful results of using a personal approach at the earliest stages of an athlete’s development.

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Strength and Conditioning Training.

Soccer player legs in action

Physical preparation is an inseparable component of sports training. If you are stronger, quicker, more agile and have good endurance, you will have more chances to win and less opportunity to be injured. The combination of coaching experience with the knowledge of contemporary Sport Science helps me to give efficient Strength and Conditioning sessions for you or for your team.

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Contact me


Ask me a question.

If you have questions regarding your training and performance, I would be glad to help.

If I don’t know the answer. I will try to investigate the problem or provide you with the link to where the answer may be found. You don’t need to pay for that and you can do it by simply contacting me.

Contact me

I select questions  that, in my opinion, may be of interest to other people on the page:

Interesting  questions

On this page you will find short answers and practical recommendations.

Analysing your results.

Group Of Sports Fans Watching Game On TV At Home

Statistics may be your friend, coach.

When you read scientific articles, the statistical part is often incomprehensible and intimidating.

However, in real life, simple statistical analysis can help you understand your results:

Are these real achievements? Or just random variations?

I can help you with this.

Find out more